How to Change Language Settings in Google Plus?

Aug 19, 2011
Google+ Language Settings logoActually Google will sets up our Google+ interface language automatically based on our country and language setting in web browser we used.

But, if your Google+ interface is in the wrong language or you just want to change the language into your own mother tongue, you can simply change it from Google Plus settings page with just few clicks.

The more exciting is Google+ has supported more than 42 languages and you can set up more than one language on your single Google+ account with one primary language selected. So you should find and use your favorite languages there.

Here's how to change language settings in Google Plus:

Steps How to Change Language Settings in Google Plus

Step 1: Login to your Google+ account.

Step 2: Click the gear icon in the upper-right next to your avatar and select Google+ settings.

Google+ Settings menu

Step 3: On the left sidebar, click on Language menu right under Google+ menu link.

Google+ Language Menu

Step 4: This would display the following Language on the right hand side of the screen.

Google+ Language Options

Step 5: Now you can directly set your prefered language by scrolling down the option or you can choose to use +Add another language option. Don't forget to mark your prefered language into Primary language to use it as default language in your Google+ account.

Google+ Add another language option

Step 6: When you click on Make primary option Google+ will show Language settings updated message with reload link. Click on it for reload your Google Plus page or you can manually reload page from browser reload button.

Google+ Language settings updated

Step 7: Reload will convert Google Plus page in your primary language.

Google+ in Bahasa Indonesia language

Now you've changed your Google+ account into your own language. You can revert all these steps for change Google plus in other language. Pretty simple isn't it?
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