How to Disable/Enable Reshare on Google Plus Posts

Aug 27, 2011
Google+ Reshare In Google+ you can share any awesome posts from your Stream for your friends circle. You can use this option easily to distribute any good posts you liked over circles.

If you are a blogger then it most important feature for you because it can improves your blog visitors and everyone knows that social media play important role in website or blog success.

But sometime we want some post private only on our wall. And don't worry, that issue has been solved by Google also. You can use Disable reshare option feature in Google Plus. Of course you won't find this feature in Facebook (lol).

Check out the tutorial after the jump.

How to Disable Reshare of Posts on Google Plus?

Step 1: Login to your Google+ account.
Step 2: Find your post which want to disable from Stream or your Profile page.
Step 3: Click on "inverted triangle" exactly on the right of your each status.
Step 4: Choose Disable reshare option.

After click on "Disable reshare" option you protects your posts from share on circles.

How to Enable Reshare of Posts on Google Plus?

Enable reshare is same process like disable. You can again enable reshare from the same place, just click on same small triangle and click on Enable reshare option.

Very easy!
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kruise rock said...

Google plus is also we can say social networking site like facebook. We can post our photos or thing on iti but it require a gmail account.

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