Get Google Plus Stream Updates via RSS Feed

Aug 18, 2011
Google+ RSS Feed Nowadays if we want to check updates from our Google+'s circles, we need to open their stream one by one. Of course it's serious problems because it takes lots of time, moreover if we have many friends to followed.

RSS feed is one solution for this problem. RSS is most popular option for get latest updates from any website or blog on internet and we can used it to follow a specific user on the new social networking site also. But unfortunately RSS feeds are not officially supported by Google+ yet. That's bad of course.

RSS feed subscribe option is still on the process of developing Google+ project with another service like API, media player plug in and everything in between. But we can try a service that turns a stream into an RSS feed using third party applications.

I'll share you 2 (two) sites that give us ability to get updates from our Google+ circles stream via RSS feed.


Recently I'm told you in this post that this site also has the ability to create RSS feeds from Google+ users. The condition you have a Google+ Nickname from first. Here's how to make it:

  • Open
  • Enter a nickname you wanted to use and enter your Google+ ID numbers then click GO!.
  • 10 Sites to Create Shortened Google Plus Profile URL:
  • Once you get your url, your RSS feed is already activated. Just use the following URL:
    for example:
  • You're done!

2. PlusFeed

This is more simple than above. Because you don't have to make a nickname before, but as the consequence you won't get pretty url.

All you need is just simply add your Google+ user numbers to the end of this site's URL to get an Atom feed of public posts.


Change the red color with your own ID. That's all! You can now add it your favorite feed reader and subscribe to the user’s updates.

Hope this help you. Enjoy!
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