How to Delete Google Plus Account?

Sep 6, 2011
Google+ delete account icon I'm not hoping you will close and delete your Google+ account, of course. But, if you are because of some reasons, that's your choice and in this post I just want to show you how to do that.

For some people this topic may not sound very much interesting and attractive but believe me it is really important. Google Plus is so much integrated into other services of Google like Gmail and Google Search, so deleting your Google+ account may affect these services too but won't straight off close that services unless you also choose that option too.

In order to delete your Google Plus account we will proceed step by step. After logging into your Google+ account, from the top right corner click on your avatar then select Account settings:

Google+ Account settings

Scroll down your mouse there you will see 2 links in the Services section:

Google+ Account settings - Services

  1. Delete profile and remove associated social features – If you click this link, you will be taken to a page where you will again get 2 options to delete your Google Plus account.
  2. Google+ - Downgrade from Google+
    • Delete Google+ Content – By selecting this option, you will delete only your Google+ account and other major integrated services like Buzz remain unaffected.
    • Delete your Entire Google Profile – This option will lead you to deletion of your Google Plus Profile, Buzz account and your Public Google Profile.
  3. Close account and delete all services and info associated with it – If you select this option when deleting Google Plus account then you are choosing to close your complete Google account. All the services like Gmail, Google AdSense, Orkut, FeedBurner, Google Alerts, Google Docs, YouTube and others will also get deleted.
  4. Google+ - Delete Google Account

So if you want to delete only your Google+ account then select Delete profile and remove associated social features and choose just delete its content or entire profile.

But if you no longer want to use any Google services, click on Close account and delete all services and info associated with it.

Be careful with your option. Good luck!
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