How to Stop Google Plus Notifications?

Sep 3, 2011
Google+ Notifications Google will send you an e-mail or SMS notification for every activities on your G+ account. So if you had lots of active users in your Google+ Circles, it mights will flooding your e-mail inbox or make peoples arround you disturbed by your cellphone's ring.

By default Google Plus enable email notification for all users and sending email if your account have any changes like post sharing, comments on posts, photo tagging and so on. This post will tell you how you can stop e-mail and SMS notification from Google Plus. You can easily stop these email notification using these simple steps.

Steps to Stop Google Plus E-mail and SMS Notification

Step 1: Login to your Google+ account.

Step 2: Click the gear icon in the upper-right next to your avatar and select Google+ settings. Or you can directly access this URL.

Google+ Settings menu

Step 3: Scroll down your browser then you can see there all e-mail and/or SMS notification settings. For remove any types of these notification just mark untick little boxes.

Stop Google+ E-mail and SMS Notifications

Step 4: When you select or deselect any option you'll see "Notification preferences updated" yellow box at the top of page. And you're done!

Hope this help you. Enjoy!
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