Google+ Believed Can Beat Facebook

Jul 16, 2011
Google Plus Believed Can Beat Facebook With all of the assets it has, Google+ is believed to conquer the popularity of Facebook. This belief is exhaled by the developers who seemed impatient to be creative on the networking site made by Google.

Although Facebook has been inhabited by 750 million users and Google+ is still far behind (recently in the range of 20 million users), but because guarded by the internet giant, Google+ is believed can bring the sharp competition.

A total of 1621 respondents surveyed by Appcelerator and IDC and pelted with questions, "Is Google can beat Facebook?" And as much as two thirds of them answered "Yes".

The reason they can be convinced of the power of Google, and 68% of them said because Google has assets owned like YouTube, Map and the other.

Although so far Google has not released the API, but this did not dampen desire of the developers to create applications for these services.

As many as 72% of respondents said they plan to be creative in the API of Google+ within 12-18 months.

However the developers also still have no plans to leave Facebook for granted, the evidence about 83% said they would use the tools and Facebook services in their applications this year. For the microblogging site, Twitter, its place in the 2nd rank by collecting the 'consent' as much as 73%.

So what is a magnet for Google+ for the developers? Beside because it offers many features that are different from Facebook like Circles, Sparks and Hangouts, developers also believe that Google will mix Google+ in Android operating system.

Quoted from CNet News, with this concoction will also rise up to facilitate developers to create programs for Android devices.
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