Google+ Will Verify Celebrity Account Like Twitter

Jul 14, 2011
Twitter Verified Account Google Plus Info - Google continues to waved the new service, Google+, all over the world. This new social networking reportedly since three weeks ago, will begin to take advantage of the celebrities. The main goal, of course, to attract more new members.

This information was first reported by CNN news site. In its report, CNN said Google wants the celebrities started using Google+ and was preparing an account verification system like on Twitter one.

As is known, Twitter gives the 'verified' for celebrities or public figures who use their services. This sign guarantees and convince others tweeps (people who use Twitter) that the account really belongs to the artist or character in question.

"Google reason is very simple: publicity. Taking the celebrities to active in social networking like Ashton Kutcher or Lady Gaga for example, will automatically attract their fans to join them using these social networking," writes PC World quoted on Thursday (20/7/2011).

However, there has been no official response from Google about whether is it true or not of this plan. If it's true that Google+ has a system of celebrities account verification, of course, the number of Google+ users will go faster again.

We will see in next report...
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