How to Update Facebook Status from Google+? (2)

Jul 17, 2011
Google-Facebook joined This is my second post about "How to Update Facebook Status from Google+?". And different from previous post, this time I will show you how to do it by using third-party applications.

Thanks for who has launched this apps!

But, hopefully the applications used in this tutorial will still work, considering Facebook being aggressively blocking applications that attempt to extract their users contact data to Google+. If not, you can still follow on my previous manual tips by clicking this link: "How To Update Facebook Status from Google+?".

Allright then, now follow these steps:

  1. Visit this link to install the plugin.
  2. Then you will be asked for permission for accessing basic information from Facebook. It's 100% ok, just allow it.
  3. After finish installing the plugin, please restart your browser.
  4. Login to your Google+ account.
  5. You will need to connect your Google+ account with the Facebook to activate Google+Facebook plugin.
  6. Then you can start updating your status by Click on "Whats on your mind", filling it with your status, and click "Share".
  7. Try opening your Facebook page, there you can see the status updated from Google+.... It shows "via Googleplus"
Pretty amazing?
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