Online Game on Google+

Jul 12, 2011
Online Game on Google+ Farmville and Mafia Wars has proven as a success game in the realm of social networking. Google+ seems to be presenting the same thing. Yes, this Google's social networking is reportedly preparing a game on its website.

This information starts from the technology blog, Slashgear, which reported the findings of screenshot in the help pages of Google. On that page seems Google+ includes a line of code for a feature called 'Games Stream'.

"This feature is designed as a provider of shared updates from the games," wrote Slashgear in his report.

Another source, Engadget, said that after Google launched Google+, they found a code that refers to the feature game invites and 'Google+ Games. "

Meanwhile TechCrunch mentions, there is a logo Google Games and code to connect these features to the API. Plus, one of Google engineer, Vic Gundotra, subsequently confirmed his company was working on a API's developer for Google+.

Reported by TG Daily, if this news is true, of course, Google+ competition with Facebook will be more interesting. Google+ wants to provide a number of games on its own servers to enliven its social networks.

Social gaming features will add to the attraction for this social networking which still in beta format. In addition to rake in more number of users, there will be many game developers who are interested to 'contribute' their creations. Are you will be the one?

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